Kazi Capital

Kazi Capital is a 100% black-women owned and managed investment firm.

We are focused on investing in and capitalising unlisted businesses with a unique value proposition and opportunities for growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.

We aim to invest in companies with an established track record and ability to grow and create jobs. We are about impactful investments which produce good financial returns and social advancement while being conscious of environmental objectives which are key to long-term results.

Kazi Capital is a new generation of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment investors – with a breed of hands-on, committed people, who are experienced and capable, with vested interests in actively adding value and realising true transformation in South Africa and elsewhere on the continent. We are committed to B-BBEE and good corporate governance.

Since our establishment in 1998, we have been a mainstay provider of industrial cleaning and other support services too many critical and core industries, especially in the energy and petrochemical sector of South Africa.
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